St. Ignatius University Kabale, a newly established higher institution of learning by Kabale Diocese is set to be inaugurated with installation of Chancellor and Vice Chancellor this Saturday, August 24, 2024.
The official communication was made by Msgr. John Vianney Sunday, Vicar General Kabale Diocese and a member of the University Council during a press conference held yesterday at the University premises located in Rwagaana – Kamatojo Cell, Mwanjari Ward, Southern Division, Kabale Municipality.

While quoting Matthew 28:19-20, Msgr. John Vianney Sunday noted that it is the mission of the Catholic Church to establish institutions of learning in order to fulfill its mandate to educate the people of God. He pointed out the three core principles or tenets that help St. Ignatius University to realize this dream namely; placing God at the centre of all the university activities, fostering moral integrity and promoting intellectual development, all aimed at addressing today’s societal challenges.
Msgr. John Vianney Sunday further noted that the University is committed to addressing the pressing issues facing society especially extreme poverty and that the institution plans to achieve this by offering practical and hands-on courses.
St. Ignatius University Kabale aims at inspiring, empowering and transforming society by providing holistic education that offers practical and hands-on skills in order to produce job creators and responsible employers – Msgr. John Vianney Sunday.
These courses will equip students with the skills necessary to transform their lives and help the bearers serve as examples in their communities, demonstrating to them how to utilize limited resources in to generate wealth hence leading to financial transformation. Msgr. John Vianney also said that st. Ignatius University aims to teach students how to manage, mobilize, and use resources effectively to empower their communities.

The Vice Chancellor of St. Ignatius University Kabale, Associate Professor Maximiano Ngabirano, expressed gratitude to Kabale Diocese for having established this higher institution of learning. While addressing a press conference, Prof Maximiano Ngabirano pointed out that the primary goal of this institution is to provide accessible, affordable and high quality education, with focus on reducing the high costs of education in Kigezi region which is overpopulated and with depleted soils which has in turn resulted into high poverty levels.
Prof. Maximiano Ngabirano also noted that financial literacy and transformation are key objectives for the University and that after its inauguration, the University will work to address the challenges of youth seeking employment abroad by focusing on developing creators rather than job seekers.
St. Ignatius University Kabale offers several course accredited by National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) including Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Tourism, Heritage and Leisure Management, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Tourism and Leisure Management, Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology, Certificate in Medical Records and Health Informatics and Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology. The university also offers courses under Uganda Business and Technical Examination Board (UBTEB) in Technical, Business, Agriculture and Tourism.
Currently, St. Ignatius University Kabale abbreviated as Iguka has an enrollment of 170 students stretching across the three intakes (January, April and August). The University received its operational license as a private institution on August 31, 2023, and opened its first academic semester on January 8, 2024.
During interaction with the journalists, Assoc. Professor Ngabirano assured the public that St. Ignatius University Kabale admits students of all religious backgrounds, despite it’s Catholic foundation. Msgr. John Vianney Sunday explained that ethics forms the basis of the University’s teaching across all courses (ethics as a course unit in all courses offered at the University), which in turn is crucial in helping to combat corruption in Uganda.

The inauguration ceremony will be presided over by H. E, Rtd. Major Jessica Rose Epel Alupo, the Vice President of the Republic of Uganda preceded Solemn Mass presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira. The same function will have Bishop Callist installed as the first Chancellor of St. Ignatius University Kabale while Associate Professor Maximiano Ngabirano will be installed as the first Vice Chancellor.
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I enjoyed reading this. It’s clear and well-written.
most welcome