Students of St. Aloysius Girls’ S.S. Kitanga carried out a community day by implementing ‘Laudato Si’, an appeal to care for the environment by Pope Francis. The student members from the Educate Club on the afternoon of Saturday, April 6, 2024 as St Aloysius Girls’ S.S Kitanga Educate club cleaned the community around school and also planted trees in order to conserve the environment.

Laudato Si in Latin, translated as ‘Be Praised’ is an encyclical letter which was published on June 18, 2015 by Pope Francis and focuses on the care for our common home – planet earth. The letter was addressed to ‘every person living on this planet’ and calls for global dialogue about how to shape the future of planet earth through our daily actions and decisions as a central moral obligation.

The head teacher, Sr. Florence Busingye thanked the student for their initiative to care for mother earth by cleaning the environment and participating in communal service. She said it was an opportunity to show the presence of St. Aloysius Girls’ S.S in Rukiga district, but also giving back to the community. Together with students, she planted a fruit tree in the school compound.
Ms. Kansiime Lucky, a member of the Educate Club said they extended the community service by cleaning the Muhanga-Kisizi Road, continued to St. Celia Primary School, the Health Centre and finally at Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament Kitanga Parish where they did a thorough clean up on the outside.

The members later on had a practical class whereby they made briquettes made from charcoal dust and cassava flour. These briquettes are meant to reduce on deforestation since they act as alternative to firewood and charcoal. One uses lesser charcoal dust in making briquettes compared to cutting down many trees to make charcoal and firewood, thereby conserving the environment.
Our community service was a success due to the help of our head teacher who made sure it was possible, Sister Edivin who was participated actively with us, our patron Mr. Gerald, the Educate Uganda for organizing such events, the students of STACK for actively participating with a big heart and the entire community for welcoming us with a big heart – Kansiime Lucky member of Educate Club.
St. Aloysius Girls’ Secondary School Kitanga is located in Kitanga Catholic Parish, in Rukiga district and one of the best performing Girls’ schools in to he region. It is both O and A level girls’ school offering both arts and sciences and under the leadership of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church.
This Post Has 3 Comments
Thanks my OGS for the work done, St Aloysius my school 💪💪💪💪, am who am because of St Aloysius. Thanks St Florence for having a good heart, I really appreciate your efforts. May God bless you 🙏
Long live st Aloysius girls ss kitanga a school that deliver a holistic education to a girl child .
wow, am proud of you my former school, oh how happy I am 🥰 Our loving sister Florence you are loved