Promoting Micro enterprises for Efficient Poverty Eradication (PROMIC) was started in 2002 in Uganda and 2003 in Kabale Diocese with the purpose of promoting micro enterprises for small and micro entrepreneurs. PROMIC UGANDA is in partnership with Foundation Open-Hand Swisshand of Switzerland.The programme also aims at enabling less privileged women to access Micro-financial services for economic development. It encourages women to participate actively in developmental programmes in Uganda, and to promote a culture of savings with an intention of improving and expanding household economic standards of living.
Promoting Micro enterprises for Efficient Poverty reduction
To use promic resources for poverty reduction by empowering rural active individuals willing to improve their micro enterprise so as to increase income, promote a culture of saving and self- help, there by attain a better quality of life.
Objectives of the programme
The major objective of PROMIC is;
To reduce poverty by enabling individual poor people, especially women, to carry out
- Entrepreneurship training,
- Provision of micro credit services,
- Investment consulting
- Promotion of a culture of saving
Beneficiary selection criteria
Active rural women or men organized in groups but individually running an activity or project that generates income to the household. Groups may be registered or if not, encouraged to register with the Government.
Our noble cause is to extend our services to these people and try to graduate them to borrowing from other bigger financial institutions through our partnerships.
Services offered/activities
- Entrepreneurship training
- Business Coaching and Identification
- Advisory services in savings mobilization
- Micro credit services
Impact of the programme in Kabale Diocese
- Better living conditions as a result of increased income from micro enterprises ranging from agriculture, hand crafts, brick making and hotel management.
- A savings culture has been imparted among the 126 women groups and in the communities of Kabale Diocese.
PROMIC Kabale Diocese is a registereed non profict company with Company Number: 80020001223700