Our Christian life, dear brothers and sisters is a journey. This journey is a journey with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ today in the Gospel turns to the apostles and asks them questions.
The apostles have been with Him, they have travelled with Him in the villages and towns, they have heard Him preaching and so He now turns to them and asks them who the crowd says He is and who they themselves say that He is.
In the years that you have been a Christian, a Catholic who is Jesus Christ to you in your life, who is Jesus Christ in our life as Church?
This is the time for us, for each one of us to look deeply into his or her life and give an answer to the questions of Jesus Christ most especially the second question, “And you, who do you say that I am?” (Luke 9:20).
It is not enough to give the answers that we already know in the Bible. This is good but is this what is also in your heart?
In moments of sickness, may Jesus Christ be our life, in moments of hunger He is the Bread of Life, when in doubt, He is the truth, when we are thirsty, He is the Spring of living water.
Who is Jesus Christ to you?
Related Bible verses: Isaiah 58:8; Jeremiah 31:3; John 14:6; Romans 5:8.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, You have been professed by Peter as “The Christ of God.” We humbly pray that in professing You, we may follow Your way of the Cross that leads to everlasting glory in heaven. We make this prayer to You Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, always One God forever and ever Amen.