Men have been tipped to always involve God in their daily activities. This call was made by Rev. Fr. Young Innocent Buregyeya, Spiritual Director of Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Kabale Diocese during the prayer day at Jesus the Good Shepherd Community Kiniogo, in Kiniogo Hiika, Rushoroza Cathedral Parish. Fr. Young thanked men for turning up for prayers to re-dedicate themselves to God and also thanked God that men are increasing at the prayer centre day by day. Yesterday, men received special prayers amidst the heavy downpour, praying for themselves, their families, their businesses for financial breakthrough.

Fr. Young said the evil one has in the present age enslaved men more than women in that a big number of men spend a lot of time at bars, and other evil things like witchcraft and devil worship leaving behind women to fend their families.

“Many men have abandoned their families and so the purpose of today’s prayers was to claim men back to God and their families. You men who turned up for prayers today, go back and make more disciples and bring them to see the good you  have received today – Fr. Young Innocent.

Men in front of the Blessed Sacrament and statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Kiniogo Prayer Centre yesterday

Every Tuesday there is a prayer day at Kiniogo Community starting with different teachings, then exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Healing and Deliverance and all this is crowned with Holy Sacrifice of Mass in the afternoon.

Fr. Young is the spiritual director of CCR Kabale Diocese, one of the lay apostolate movements that aims at spiritual renewal in the lives of the people of God is is the caretaker of Jesus the Good Shepherd Community Kiniogo, a spiritual centre for Kabale Diocese.

Fr. Young appealed for people of good will to help him in making Kiniogo Community a better place so that people can meet their God with ease. Well wishers have so far helped him in purchase of 6 tents,  public address system and plastic chairs.

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