Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences Nyakibale on Saturday July 29, 2023 celebrated 50 years of existence. The celebration was preceded by Holy Sacrifice of Mass led by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese. In his homily, the Bishop expressed gratitude to the founders, the Franciscan sisters of Breda in Holland who established the institute in 1961. The Bishop said it was an important time to thank God for the far he had brought the institute. He also congratulated the institute having been elevated to Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences from Karoli Lwanga Nursing and Midwifery as accredited by National Council for Higher Education. He expressed his wish that the institute could extend the gift of love, mercy and compassion to all the people of God.


Bishop Callist receiving offertory gifts during Mass

On the same day, 374 students graduated in different courses on the 4th Graduation Ceremony held at the institute. 52 graduated with Diploma in Nursing Extension, 16 graduated with Diploma in Midwifery Extension, 138 graduated in Certificate in Midwifery, 153 graduated in Certificate in Nursing, 7 graduated in Certificate in Pharmacy while 8 graduated with Certificate in Theatre Techniques. The institute has so far trained 12,564 students in the six courses since its inception. In her speech, the Principal of the institute, Sr. Florence Birungi said the 50 years of existence and service is worth celebrating, because some institutions that started along with Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences but are no longer in existence. The golden jubilee celebrations should have taken place in 2021 but because of Covid-19 pandemic, they were postponed to 2023 and thanks to God that the dream finally came true.


Our Institution has lived for 50 years so far and we are grateful to the Almighty for he has done great things for us (Luke 1:49). Many great men and women of this country and beyond whom we are proud of today have been nurtured by this very institution. – Sr. Florence Birungi, Principal.

She thanked the Franciscan Sisters of Breda , Holland who started the institute with only 12 students who were nurses, but now the current enrollment stands at 390, and the reason behind increasing enrolment was the introduction of new course for example in Allied Health Section like Certificate in Pharmacy and Certificate in Theatre Techniques which all started in 2019. The Principal highlighted some of the achievements realized in the last 50 years which included: Progressive increase in enrolment, academic performance at 100% success in UNMEB results, scholarship to some students by World Bank, DANIDA and UNFPA, Construction of multipurpose hall funded by the Franciscan sisters of Breda, purchase of a 43 seater bus, renovation of hostels, construction of main gate and partial fencing around the institute, installation of CCTV camera for security purposes among others.

Some of the graduands







Sr. Florence also pointed out some challenges faced by the institute given the high enrolment including lack of enough lecture rooms and hostels, high rate of staff turnover especially those who leave for better opportunities elsewhere among others. Future plans for Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences include recruitment of more tutors to meet the student: staff ratio, construction of a three storied building to have enough lecture rooms, laboratory and computer laboratory, starting new academic programs like Direct Diploma (Direct Nursing, Direct Midwifery, and Diploma in Pharmacy) and making the institute a College of Health Sciences to be able to award its own Degrees and Diplomas in future.

She again thanked the parents for tremendous support to their children while in and out of the institution in form of tuition and encouraged to support them upgrade because the sky is no longer the limit. To the graduates, the Principal congratulated them and encouraged them not to settle for less, but to aim higher.  She encouraged them to remain good ambassadors of Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health Sciences since it had equipped them with employable skills ready to compete in the field of health globally.

Hon. Elisa Rutahigwa, the MP Rukungiri Municipality represented the Guest of Honor, Hon. Jim Muhwezi who is Minister for Security and contributed 5 million shillings towards the construction new lecture halls. In his remarks, the minister thanked the Catholic Church for stating up Health facilities and institutions and was the mandate of Christ that people should have life in full. He also thanked Kabale Diocese for embracing government programs. A total of 22,626,000 shillings and 50 bags of cement were collected during the fundraising part. In attendance were Dr. Ronald Kasyaba from the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB), Fr. Dr. Deusdedit Musinguzi who is the chairman Board of Governors Nyakibale Hospital and governing Council of the Institute, RDC Rukungiri District among other dignitaries.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ananias

    Congratulations Karoli Lwanga Institute of Health sciences, congratulations all Graduates.

  2. Merab

    We thank God for Karoli

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