Fr. Hillary Katusiime giving homily during thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Alexander

Catholics of Kabaya Catholic Church in Muko Parish were on Sunday in jubilation after receiving their second native priest in 40 years. Fr. Alexander Muhumuza was ordained a priest on Saturday August 12, 2023 by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese in a solemn mass that saw 16 priests and 3 deacons ordained. Fr. Alexander Muhumuza followed Rev. Fr. James Bitariho who was ordained on July 27, 1983. Fr. Alexander celebrated his thanksgiving Mass yesterday Sunday, August 13, 2023 at his home in Kabaya Catholic Hiika, in Ikamiro, in Our Lady of Lourdes Muko Parish. Preaching during the thanksgiving Mass,  Rev. Fr. Katusiime Hillary, the Parish Priest of Kitabi Parish in Mbarara Archdiocese welcomed Fr. Alexander into priesthood and congratulated him upon his ordination. As David was anointed in the book of Samuel, Fr. Alexander was also anointed by Bishop Callist when he ordained him a priest. Samuel had feared to anoint a new king but God instructed him to go and offer sacrifice to God. Fr. Alexander, you were ordained to offer sacrifice. When in Mass always bring to the Lord all your fears, the challenges, enemies, people and their problems.

God called David from all the sons of Jesse, you too Fr. Alexander, you  were chosen from among the many because God sees in the heart while people see on the outside. It is you that the Lord has chosen from those many. Many people will despise you, but it’s God who has chosen you. If God was to choose the way people choose, probably God would have chosen all other family. But he has had favor on you. The God who has chosen you will lead and guide you. Be open to him and all will be well with you – Fr. Hillary Katusiime.

Fr. Alexander Muhumuza with Fr. Niwagaba Brian (R) dancing the thanksgiving song on Sunday

Reading form the Letter to the Hebrews 5, Fr. Hillary said that every priest is chosen from among people and sent into people to offer prayers on their behalf to God. He urged Fr. Alexander not to fear, for the power of God will be with him. “Jesus called Simon, James and John who were fishing. They followed his instruction and caught a great catch. He changed them from being fishermen to fishers of men. Some times you need time by yourself. Even Jesus moved out of the crowds and went into the boat. Have time for your prayer. A priest who does not have time for prayer is a problem to the church. Fr. Alexander, always spare time for prayer. He implored Christians to always have time to pray for your priests. In your apostolate take not of these three things. Differentiate between being honors and being honorable. Pay attention to needs of people. But be careful with them because many have led to the downfall of priests . Model yourself according to Jesus the high priest. Conform yourself to the person of Jesus who has called you. In your ministry have time for mother Mary. May she always intercede for you” Said Fr. Hillary.

Fr. Alexander (centre) with his father (R), his aunt Sr Veneranda (L), foster parent and Fr. James Bitariho cutting cake

Fr. Alexander was born on October 4, 1993 to Mr. Clement Barisigara and Mrs. Winnie Arinaitwe (RIP). Fr. Alexander Muhumuza had his Primary education at Kigezi High School Primary from 2001-2007 from where he went to  St. Adrian’s Seminary Rubanda 2008-2011 for UCE. He went to St. Paul’s Seminary Rushoroza for UACE from 20012 -2013. From 2014-2017 he was at St. Thomas Aquinas National Major Seminary Katigondo where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Diploma in Philosophical and Social Studies. He did his Pastoral Spiritual Year at St. Paul’s Seminary Rushoroza from 2017-2018. From 2018-2023, Fr. Alexander was at St. Paul’s National Major Seminary, Kinyamasika where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and diploma in Theological and Pastoral Studies. He was ordained a deacon on August 13, 2022 and a priest on August 12, 2023 by Bishop Callist Rubaramira at Rushoroza Cathedral Parish.

In his remarks, Fr. Alexander thanked God for the gift of life and the gift of parents who brought him into the world. He thanked all the people of good will who have helped him and journeyed with him up to the altar of God. He requested people to always pray for him in the new life of priesthood he has embraced.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Sr. Naomy: daughters of the sacred heart working in Muko Uganda Martyrs preparatory

    It was a blessing and we thank God for this noble vocation. Congratulations padre Alexander once again

    1. Salvino Mubangizi


  2. Mubangyizi Vicent

    With the almity GOD our creator and with the fellowship our Jesus Christ, everything is possible on this Earth Amen.

    1. Salvino Mubangizi


  3. Alex

    We keep praying for him in the way of serving God’s children.

    1. Salvino Mubangizi


  4. Justk

    You are a priest for ever. I pledge to pray for him always 🙏❤️

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