Bishop Callist Rubaramira ordained 16 deacons into the order of Priesthood and 3 seminarians into the order of Deaconate on Saturday August 12, 2023 amidst excitement. This follows an ordination which took place on July 2, 2023 where 4 priests were ordained, bringing the total number of priests ordained this year to 20. It is good to note that Kabale Diocese has ever had such a big number of priests ordained at once in a single year. Bishop Callist said that 20 priests in the Diocese in a single year is a big gift from God and for which Kabale Diocese is grateful to him. He thanked parents for offering their children to God and requested them to keep praying for their sons.

                                                                                          Bishop Callist Rubaramira talking to parents of newly ordained priests

While preaching during Mass, the Bishop’s Secretary, Rev. Fr. Placid Mugumya said that the day’s readings were a reminder that it is God who calls. Moses complained to God, because he thought the journey of liberating the Israelites would be smooth. Some people also complain because in their lives, they tend to work alone by putting God aside, and that is when things become hard on their part. when hard things come our way, let’s remember that God is with us even when we seem not to see his hand behind us.

The risk is thinking that when we serve God, we do it with our efforts. it’s God who calls us also supports us in the ministry. don’t take this ministry for granted. Priesthood is not a show, but a vocation, a call to service. There is no part timing in being a Christian, not part timing in being a priest. Your are a priest forever – Fr. Placid Mugumya.

The newly ordained Priests are:

  1. Fr. Clement Musabyimana from St. John’s Nyagisozi Parish
  2. Fr. Martin Nkurunziza from St. John’s Nyagisozi Parish
  3. Fr. Ambrose Ndinumukiza from St. Joseph Kinanira Parish
  4. Fr. Ponsiano Kwitonda from St. Peter’s Gisoro Parish
  5. Fr. Alexander Muhumuza fromOur Lady of Lourdes Muko Parish
  6. Fr. Felix Bigiromuhangi from Our Lady of Lourdes Muko Parish
  7. Fr. Brian Monday from Our Lady of Lourdes Muko Parish
  8. Fr. Brian Niwagaba from Our Lady of Lourdes Muko Parish
  9. Fr. Selestina Nkamwesiga from St. Charles Lwanga Kabirizi Parish
  10. Fr. Roland Niwamumpeire from Immaculate Heart of Mary Rubanda Parish
  11. Fr. Bruno Nkwasiibwe from Mary Mother of the Rosary Kakore Parish
  12. Fr. Chrispino Mubangizi from Our lady of fatima makiro parish)
  13. Fr. Nelson Agaba from Mary Mother of the Church Nyakishenyi Parish
  14. Fr. Paul Bamwenzaki from Our Lady of La Salette Nyakibale Parish
  15. Fr. Isaac Turinawe from Our Lady of Africa Rwengiri Parish
  16. Fr. Robert Nsinga, MCCj, from Queen of Apostles Rwamagaya Parish
Bishop Callist congratulating newly ordained priests
                       Newly ordained Deacons







Representing the newly ordained priests, Rev. Fr. Brian Monday thanked God for the gift of priesthood. He also thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for ordaining them as Church ministers. He further thanked all their parents for bringing them up well and catechists for instructing them in religion. He appealed to all the people of God to love their priests and keep praying for them so that they can became good ministers in the vineyard of the Lord.

The newly ordained Deacons are Dn. Halem’Imana Walter from Mutolere Parish, Dn. Uwiringiyimana Deusdedit from Sooko Parish  and Dn. Niyonzima Bruno from Kinanira Parish. Bishop Callist handed over prayer books called Breviary to the newly ordained deacons, since it was one of their promises to always say their breviary prayers daily.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kalisto Oloya

    My fast time to reach Kabale all the way from Agago District Kalongo Parish. God grant them power to look after your sheep

    1. Salvino Mubangizi

      Most welcome. Please come again

  2. Kalisto Oloya

    Thanks parent so much for up bringing the children in Christian way of life especially in Catholic faith and thank The Bishop’s for working hard too. God Bless u💝

    1. Salvino Mubangizi

      Most welcome

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