Christians have been encourages to reflect about their life so as to keep in the path of the Lord. This was said by Rev. Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe during his homily in the burial Mass of Melenia Bashukana, her maternal sister. Fr. Ndyomugabe said Melenia fought the war of sickness with courage and faith. Today she has won that battle and now meets her Lord to receive a crown of victory. She, like any other human being had weaknesses and we commend her soul to the Lord to forgive her all failings and make her worthy to inherit the kingdom of God. The gospel reminded us to always and forever be prepared so that death finds when we have prepared ourselves. At the point of death the spirit separates from the body, the spirit returns to the Creator and the body returns to the soul and decays. Therefore, the spirit uses the body as the vehicle.

Fr. Vincent Ankunda and Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe leading prayers at the burial of the late Melenia Bashukana at Rushaki Catholic Church in Christ the King Parish Kabale.

Quoting Sirach 1:13, Fr. Ndyomugabe said that the end will be well for one who fears the Lord and he will be blessed at the time of his death. He urged people that whatever they do in this world, they should ponder about end of their life and this will help them to not sin. What will people say at your death? You have all the time to mend your ways, so that people speak positive about you, since the voice of the people is the voice of the Lord.

It is always very easy for people to go and bury a person, but fail to visit them when they are sick. May God reward all those who visit the sick and comfort them, because it’s one of the corporal works of mercy – Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe.

The Chairperson of the Small Christian Community of St. Michael in Rushaki Hiika expressed sorrow for the loss of their member who was an advisor in the Small Christian Community and sent condolences to Mr. Louis Bazirakye and family.

Louis Bazirakye laying a wreath on the casket of his sister Melenia Bashukana

In his message, Louis Bazirakye, former Chairperson L.C. III of Southern Division in Kabale Municipality thanked God for the life of his sister Melenia, who passed on at the age of 80. He said they were born 11 children (5 boys and 6 girls) and among the boys, only Louis Bazirakye is living plus 3 girls (f4 children surviving). he said Melenia worked hard to make the family survive by digging and did so up to 79 years of age. The siblings have been calling her their mum because she did great towards their education and prayed that God rests her soul in peace. She was hardworking, very loving and lovable, very generous and would share the little with others, loved children and most of her siblings were raised up by her.

Mrs. Macklean Batwale, the chairperson L.C III Southern Division used the opportunity to remind people who have already received PDM funds to put them to good use so that they can have something for themselves. She condemned men who have received this money and eaten it especially by spending it on drinking alcohol.

Melenia Bashukana was a daughter to Stephano and Antonia Ngegyema of Kibira, Maziba parish who are both dead. She was a sister to Louis Bazirakye, former Chairperson L.C.III of Southern Division in Kabale Municipality. Melenia was born in 1943 and died on Friday, November 3, 2023 at Doctor’s Plaza Hospital in Mbarara at the age of 80. She had been diagnosed with pneumonia of the lungs. She was buried on Sunday, November 5, 2023 in Rugyendeira, Rushaki ward, Southern Division.

Happy are they who die in the Lord for the good works they did in this world will follow them to the Lord (Rev 14:13).

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mbabazi Harriet bedside nurse.

    Shwenkazi has been such a God loving and good person!RIP dear.

  2. Louis Bazirakye

    Thank U Brother.

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