Christians have been called upon to use the festival season to allow Jesus penetrate their lives and make fundamental chance. This call was made on Christmas day by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese while presiding over Mass to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bishop Rubaramira said Christians should use this chance to draw nearer to Christ, learn form him and allow him teach them virtues of the children of God. Quoting the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians, Bishop Rubaramira said, though Jesus was in form of God, he didn’t count equality with God but humbled himself to become man, suffered like man and reached the extent of death on the cross (Phil 2:6-11). This virtue of humility should be embraced by all people of God in these festivals and forever.
The gifts of Christ should penetrate us, and be visible in our Christian actions which will tell the world that we belong to Christ. Let’s allow to be influenced by these gifts and then we share them with others. God chose us and called us to be Christ-like and we must be his disciples among people to witness to him by our words and actions – Bishop Callist Rubaramira.
He called on parents to be near to their children and have special love for them while creating time for them so that they grow in Christian virtue. He requested that time be also given to other people for we all need each other. “Let us be generous with our time and resources by sharing them with others so that the kingdom established by Christ may be beneficial to all”, he said.
He also used the opportunity to implore the people of God to be charitable to others the was God was charitable and sent his son for the salvation of mankind. He wished Christians to celebrate the coming of Christ with joy and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them to doing the will of God.
Fr. Austen Christmas, the parish Priest of Rushoroza Cathedral Parish congratulated the congregation upon reaching Christmas day. He reminded them about fulfillment of their Christian obligations to support their Church so that the mission of Christ can continue to be propagated. He announced Kishekyera hiika, in Kyanamira Sub Parish would be opened on 27th December 2024 in order to bring services closer to the people. On 29th December 2024, Kacuro muluka will be elevated to Centre level, and all these programs are initiated by Rushoroza Cathedral Parish in preparation for Kyanamira to be elevated to parish status as souvenir for the Centenary celebrations which were held in January 2024.
On a special note, Fr. Austen thanked Bishop Callist Rubaramira for granting Rushoroza Cathedral Parisha piece of land of the Diocese in Kitumba Trading Centre (omukyaapa) along the Kabale Katuna road so that a Church could be constructed there. He noted that Kitumba was rapidly growing and so existence of a Catholic Hiika there would help people receive services nearer to them.