A total of 825 candidates was yesterday confirmed at Our Lady of Good Shepherd Rushoroza Cathedral Parish with Mass presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese. In his homily, Bishop Callist thanked God for the gift of faith that he granted us. He reminded people gathered that the readings urged them to remain faithful to Christ. He said, “when the Liturgical Year is ending, the Church reminds us to evaluate ourselves how we have lived throughout the year”.
Bishop Callist told Christians who were gathered in Rushoroza Cathedral and those listening on radio Maria that readings for 33rd Sunday reminded them to use their talents faithfully and cling to Christ for nothing is impossible to him. St. Paul writes to the Romans 12:1-2 and implores them to offer their lives to God as a living sacrifice and warns them not to be conformed to the world, but to Christ. “Christ is victorious and makes us victorious if only we allow him journey with us in our use of talents. Those who allow God in their lives indeed use their talents profitably, but when you let God out of your life, nothing successful you can do,” said Bishop Callist.

The first reading from Proverbs 30 talks of the wise woman, but served as a reminder to all to be faithful, hardworking, honest and these virtues should help us lead a life worthy of Christians. As we come close to the Liturgical year, evaluate yourselves. St. Paul writing to the Thessalonians reminds us that we are children of the light, Jesus being our light. Therefore do what is done in light but not hiding in darkness. that is why parents are handled and lighted candle so that their children are illumined by this light of Christ.
Have time for Christ and that’s when he will help you discover your gifts and talents. In his first letter to Corinthians 1:7, St. Paul reminds us that there is no gift of the Spirit lacking in us. Therefore go to Christ so that he can help u discover these talents and gifts. You have no excuses – Bishop Callist Rubaramira.
He thanked Hon. Catherine Ndamira for spearheading the fight against poverty in Kabale District by distributing piglets, goats to different households to boost their household income. He advise the Christians to cultivate crops that quickly generate cash eg clasping beans, irish potatoes and also rear animals eggs pigs and rabbits to have manure. Also grow avocado trees in compound for food and for sale. Our mindset must change because the times have also changed. we need money to educate children, look after our health and also look smart. therefore we must work hard and look for money using the gifts God has given us especially gift of the mind. Bishop Callist also thanked the Rushoroza Cathedral Parish administration for preparing exams for candidates before they were confirmed.
Mr. Remigio Byamukama, chairman Rushoroza Parish Council and Diocesan Education for Kabale Diocese, thanked the Bishop for his pastoral visit to Rushoroza Cathedral parish. He thanked him for the different diocesan project which he has initiated in the Diocese. He thanked the Bishop for appointing a vibrant team of priests in Rushoroza parish. they are indeed doing wonders in the parish and currently they are preparing the Centenary Celebrations of the parish.
As part of the Centenary celebrations, this team of priests has designed different programs to involve all Christians of the parish eg socio-economic seminars, civic education, pastoral work of home to home visitation among others.
To the confirmants, Mr. Remigio urges them to remain well behaved, discover and use the talents which God has given them, cooperate with parents and remain in school. He said the parish has continued with planting of tea as one of the parish project that will generate income to the parish in the near future.

Hon. Catherine Ndamira, the Woman MP for Kabale District thanked the district leadership especially for using the road funds as expected of the government. She urged the Christians to work hard to boost their household income. She urged those who had been confirmed to always listen to God and discover what he wants them to be in life, and he will lead you to success. She asked them to appreciate their parents for taking care of them, and requested parent to have time for their children especially during the holidays and make them busy since an idle mind is a devil’s workshop.
In his remarks, Fr. Austen Christmas, the Parish priest for Rushoroza Cathedral Parish thanked the Bishop for the pastoral visit and the many developments he is carrying out in the diocese especially those projects initiated by the BAAF. He reminded the faithful that as the parish is in final stages of Centenary Celebrations to be celebrated on January 7, 2024, it is memorial and historical to be present. He congratulated those students who have completed P.7 and S.4 and wished them all the best especially during holidays and urged them to cooperate with parents at home.