The 41st Catholic Parish has been opened in Kabale Diocese. The ceremony for inaugurating and opening the Parish was presided over by Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, Bishop of Kabale Diocese on Saturday, December 9, 2023. This new parish is called St. Charles Lwanga Parish Muhanga in Mutolere Deanery and has been curved out of Mutolere, Rubuguri and Muko parishes. The new parish has 21 out stations (hiikas) and is the biggest of the new parishes created this year. Other parishes opened this year include St. Paul’s Bucundura parish in Kitanga deanery, St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Buyanja in Nyakibale Deanery, St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Muchahi in Rushoroza Deanery.
Preaching during Mass, Rev. Fr. Joseph Sebatwale, Parish Priest of Mutolere parish and Dean Mutolere Deanery thanked Bishop for inaugurating and opening Charles Lwanga Muhanga parish so that the people could get services closer to them. He thanked all those who were involved in the preparation of this new parish. He said that in the Gospel, Jesus tells people that his mother and brothers and sisters are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice. Therefore since you are children of God by baptism, you became brothers and sisters of Christ. So put in practice what you believe in.
A parish has come to us so that we can start a new journey. The existence of a parish is a sign of God’s presence among us. A new parish will bring us together and this parish is going to be a sources of social transformation and development since every is going to use his gift or talent to see this be like Jesus came to bring people together since Jesus is the good teacher. It is time to belong to one clan of social transformation of bringing services closer to mankind – Fr. Sebatwale Joseph.
Fr. Sebatwale reminded people of the new life they must embrace after receiving this new parish in an area where people have been identifying themselves, some as Bakimbiri, others Bakiga, while others as Bafumbira. He appealed to them that time has dawned for them to forget, this and have one identity, since all belong to one clan of Jesus, for he said those who hear his word and put it in practice are his brothers, sisters and mother. Fr. Sebatwale said all individual gifts/ talents (Ingabire) should be shared for the social transformation of Muhanga parish and urged leaders both spiritual and political to emulate Jesus who brought peace and happiness to people by chasing demons.

Mrs. Jacqueline Katabazi, the Rubanda Woman MP hopefully donated expensive items to use in liturgy eg. Chalice for wine which changes to blood of Christ, ciborium which contains the blessed host what changes to the body of Christ, monstrance (for benediction and Eucharistic adoration), thurifer and incense boat for incensing during Mass. She said she has contributed to all these items to the new parishes opened this year.

Mr. Denis Bakomeza the coordinator of Mutolere Deanery in Kampala in his message read by Rose Kabageni thanked the Bishop for inaugurating and opening another parish in Mutolere deanery. He congratulated the pioneer priests Fr. John Nsengiyumva and Fr. Tumukwasiibwe Emmanuel. Monstrance, statue of BMV, and an envelope which he will deliver on Christmas. He urged Christians to continue supporting Muhanga so that developments can be registered.
Fr. Nsengiyumva John, the Parish Priest of the new parish thanked God for the gift of life and the day which he made for Muhanga. He thanked the Bishop for listening to people’s cry and granting them a new parish. He thanked the parishes that have given birth to this new parish (Muko, Mutolere and Rubuguri). The parish priest together with curate urged people to cooperate with them so that Muhanga parish can develop to greater heights.

Hon. Alex Niyonsaba Seruganda, MP Bufumbira South representing Hon. Henry Musasizi as chief guest thanked Bishop Callist for opening a new parish in Bukimbiri. He expressed gratitude to the Catholic Faith was proud to say that his grandfather was a catechist of the Catholic Church, and requested people to have faith in God who makes all things possible. He thanked the Bishop for the numerous developments in the Diocese especially BAAF which involved all people in the whole Diocese and beyond, stating from the small Christian Communities or obutaagi/obushami. He thanked the Bishop for giving them hardworking priests in Mutolere Deanery and urged Christians to work together with them as a team for the development of place.

Bishop Callist Rubaramira in his remarks thanked priests for turning up in big numbers to witness the opening of a new parish. He said people’s faith should be grounded and rooted in Christ. He urged the parish priest and assistant to work hard and put in place parish structures, especially parish council by the end of February. He contributed 3m. He requested Fr. Sebatwale to initiate Fr. John Nsengiyumva into financial sustainability so that the new parish can start at least 3 income generating projects so that the parish can be self-reliant.
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We praise God who has been gracious to us (Kabale Diocese)
Thank you so much Father! May God continue strength!